
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Once Upon A Time !!!


                Let's Talk Scrioture   

Preacher : Brother Waheed w

    Life is once Upon a Time!!!

Ecclesiastes 1:4 

One generation passed away and another cometh, but the earth abideth for ever. 

The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.

Good evening brethren,  by the above headline, we are not trying to deliver a fairytale  nor  is it yet time for tales by moonlight-No. It is meant to just remind ourselves  about the  ephemrality of life and why we must always thread softly. Nothing last for ever. You do not.evem have control.iver what happens tonyiu the next.minute.  You own the moment,,but tomorrow you do not know who owns it..There have been instances where  a former employee becomes  the employer of his employers.Life is in phases,no one can be written off .As linhay there is life,there  is  hope and a lit of room for changes, knowing full well that the most constant thing in life as it were is change Of course , change is indeed inevitable 

I recall that there was a man when I functioned in the Governor's  Ofdixe Press Crew,his name ja Mr. Animashaun. From the account I got it is possible Baba was in the service even when Ogun State was creates in 1976 and he must have had the rear opportunity to work with a whole lot of Governor's, Permanent Secretaries and what have you. So, he was used to telling is that Lufe is Once upon a time.  Thus according to him, invariable mean, once upon a time would surely be the end of all that we do today.  Yes, true tonttoe Baba Animashaun had retured. Ditto for some of us who were in the  Press screw around rhat time, we were young, but some of us have been moved from the beat either back to the office or to another bear as the case may be. Thus, all that was left of us whenever we were to relate our experiences were : " When I was in the Governor's  Office", In those good old days and so on and so forth. It was then the reality dawn on sins of us that the message Baba Animashaun whom we nicknamed ' Olowe of Africa, was replaced and the future he predicted was not as far as we thought. 

To further illustrated this message, let's go  abit spitituql. Let's open our Bible and Ecclesiates.

Ecclesiastes 1:4 (NIV):

"A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever."

 "life is but a shadow"  Ecclesiastes 8:13 (KJV):

"For a man to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God. I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life. And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God: a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance... For who can bring a man to see what shall be after him?"

But a more fitting reference would be Psalm 144:4 (KJV), which says:

"Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow."

Or 1 Chronicles 29:15 (NIV), which states:

"Our days on earth are like a shadow."

These biblical passages emphasize the transient nature of human life and the inevitability of change and mortality.

 Ecclesiastes 1:7:

"All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again."


This verse illustrates:
1. The cyclical nature of life: Water flows into the sea, only to evaporate and return to its source.
2. The futility of seeking fulfillment: Despite constant influx, the sea remains unfulfilled.

The Teacher's (author of Ecclesiastes) message:

1. Life's pursuits are ultimately unsatisfying.
2. Human desires and endeavors are never fully satisfied.
3. True fulfillment lies beyond earthly pursuits.

Parallel ideas:

1. Nature's cycles (e.g., water, seasons) reflect life's transient nature.
2. Human experience mirrors the river's flow: we come from dust, return to dust (Ecclesiastes 3:20).
3. The search for meaning and fulfillment is universal.

Reflection Questions:

1. What are you seeking fulfillment in?
2. Have you experienced disappointment or dissatisfaction in life?
3. Where do you find lasting purpose and meaning?

Let us go further inro the scripture.: Ecclesiastes 1:8:

"The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing." (NIV)

This verse highlights:

1. The insatiable nature of human desires.
2. The limitations of sensory experiences.

The Teacher's (author of Ecclesiastes) message:

1. No amount of sensory input can fully satisfy.
2. Human longing for experience and knowledge is vanity .

There is a poignant reminder of the ephemerality of occupying a position li  life as captured by : 

"When you see the old picture of the former occupier, know and understand that your time will soon be up."

This perspective encourages:

1. Humility: Recognizing the transience of one's own tenure.
2. Gratitude: Appreciating the opportunity to serve or hold a position.
3. Mindfulness: Focusing on the present and making the most of time.
4. Legacy: Considering the impact you want to leave behind.

This mindset is reflected in:

1. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2: "There is a time for everything... a time to be born and a time to die."
2. Psalm 90:12: "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
3. James 4:14: "What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."

Benefits of adopting this perspective:

1. Prioritizes meaningful work
2. Encourages self-reflection
3. Fosters gratitude
4. Promotes humility
5. Inspires intentional living

Reflection questions:

1. What legacy do you want to leave behind?
2. How do you want to be remembered?
3. What impact do you want to make during your time?
4. Are you making the most of your time?
5. What changes will you make to live more intentionally?

Additional quotes:

1. "The greatest legacy we can leave is the impact we have on others." - Unknown
2. "Life is short, but memory is long." - Unknown
3. "The best way to make history is to live in the present." - Unknown

Thus Mesaage is coming to you via " Let's Talk The Scripture , a subsidiary of  Writing  and Researching  For Christ Mission . You can reach us on 08035004741 or Waheedogunjobi@gmail for counselling and more details.

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