Beware of that Food in Flesh and in Spirit !!! By: G O.K Isnail - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Monday, September 23, 2024

Beware of that Food in Flesh and in Spirit !!! By: G O.K Isnail

TOPIC: Fight And Overcome The Ancient Enemies.

TEXT: Dan.1:8; Gen.3:1-7

Preacher: Prophet Ismail G.O.K 

The Glory and Power of Christians in Obedience to God
The glory and power of Christians lie in their obedience to God and His Word. When in disobedience, the devil can manipulate what God has provided for good to bring destruction. Food, meant for man's nourishment, becomes a weapon to fuel the flesh, leading to downfall. Hence, food and the flesh are ancient enemies of the soul, contributing to mankind's fall, the presence of many Christians in hell, and the Church's backsliding state today. However, through Jesus Christ, who triumphed over these during His fasting and on the Cross, believers can also overcome. Only those who conquer will be rewarded (Revelation 2:11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12).

*Man and Food*
√ Adam and Eve fell because of food (Genesis 3:1-7).
Abraham went to Egypt due to a famine (Genesis 12:10).
Isaac nearly backslid over a famine (Genesis 26:1-2).
√ Esau lost his birthright for food (Genesis 25:29-34).
Jacob's family went to Egypt due to famine (Genesis 42:1-3; 46:1-4).
√ Israel murmured three times over food (Exodus 16:1-3).
√ Israelites broke the Sabbath law for food (Exodus 16:27-29).
√ A young prophet died because of food (1 Kings 13:1, 7-10, 18-22).

*Flesh and Food (Romans 16:18)*
a) Food empowers the flesh.
b) The kingdom of darkness exploits the power of food.
c) Food is a major reason for sin and spiritual downfall.
d) Food can block the memory of dreams if not digested before sleep.
e) Food is a product of a cursed earth (Genesis 3).
f) Much of our hunger is psychologically programmed.

*Flesh and Spirit (Philippians 3:18-19)*
√ The flesh imprisons the spirit.
√ The spirit existed from the world's beginning (Revelation 13:8; 17:8).
A strong flesh weakens the spirit; thus, focus on strengthening your spirit.
Fasting and concentrated prayer strengthen the inner man.
√ The flesh enjoys earthly pleasures; the spirit enjoys spiritual activities.
√ The flesh has many needs; the spirit needs only salvation.
Guard your heart and brain against worldly pollution, including GMOs and deceptive teachings.

*Overcoming The Ancient Enemies (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)*
1) Discipline yourself to fight the flesh, the god of food (Philippians 3:19).
2) Divert energy from serving food to strengthening the spirit (1 Corinthians 15:31).
3) Set your affection on heavenly things (Colossians 3:1-3).
4) Be spiritually minded, not carnally minded (Romans 8:5-7). Spend time with God, focusing on His Word, and engage in continuous prayer and fasting.

             *Central Truth*
Jesus denied Himself to restore mankind to glory by grace. The antichrist will use food to lead people away from grace. In the last days, food and flesh will be key weapons against humanity and the Church. Discipline is essential to overcome the antichrist, as the Lord overcame.

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