Be wary of what you do in secret- Bishop Ademosu warns Nigerian Leaders - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Monday, December 25, 2023


Be wary of what you do in secret- Bishop Ademosu warns Nigerian Leaders


Nigeria leaders have again been reminded to be watchful, careful in all they do in secret or openly.

They should also be wary of the characters they put up,words they utter  while alive because God will one day  bring to judgement all they do while on earth.

Addressing a crowd of  worshippers at the closing ceremony to mark this year's Jieawowrrar day celebrations at the holy land,ikosa quarters odogbolu the Primate and Founder Jieawowrrar all Saints Church of Christ Aladura world-wide, Bishop Adebisi Ademosu  said if not God on our side who have frustrated all the evil strength of some Nigeria leaders they would have encompassed us.

Bishop Ademosu called on the people who are still upright in heart and made God their  choice to continue to rejoice because in his mercies he will bid their sadness and sorrows to depart them.

He noted that the Lord on earth and heaven rules by his words, adding that we should be glad in him rejoice and praise him.

In his sermon at the all night vigil full of spiritual gains, Bishop S .A kasali , the Supretendent of the church in Oyo State noted that people have not been walking and living in spirit.

Quoting from the books of Galatian,Romans and Corringtian, he noted that he who did not die in spirit will not rise in the spirit.

Highlight of the celebration include singing and dancing to the melodious gospel music from the church and popular gospel music makers by the congregation,testimonies by individuals on God's blessings and mercies and prayers from different Christian leaders while the predictions for the year 2024 were also released to the congregation by Baba Aladura Bisi Ademosu.

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