LIFE is a circle of CONTRIBUTIONS *I contribute.* - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Friday, July 30, 2021

LIFE is a circle of CONTRIBUTIONS *I contribute.*


You contribute.

We contribute.

When any party ceases to contribute, the circle will be broken and leakages will be discovered. 

Whatever you are enjoying today is someone else's contribution. 

Whatever you are lacking today is because someone who is suppose to contribute didn't.

Don't be that person, who because he refuses  to contribute, causes leakages to the circle.

Every person on earth is here to contribute to make the world a better place.

Contribution is the essence of living.

You can contribute anything useful. 

You can contribute in knowledge, in understanding, 

In wisdom,  in love, in peace, in resources, and in finances.

Also, You can contribute physically, spiritually,  intellectually, financially,  morally etc.

When you contribute, people will eat, when people contribute you will eat.

 Ask yourself:

What is my contribution in that place that I am?

What have you contributed to make progress?

What is lacking as a result of your refusal to contribute?

What is the way forward?

The answer explains the scarcity or abundance in that place.

Your presence is irrelevant if you have nothing to contribute.

Contribution is the way to go.

In the church, contribute.
In the Mosque, contribute.

In the organisation that  you are, contribute.

In the school, contribute. 

In the house, contribute.

In  the market, contribute.

In the society, contribute.

In  the village, contribute

In the community, contribute.

In the family, contribute.

 *In your street, contribute.* 

Everywhere try and contribute.

You have something to contribute: Contribute in Love,instead of complaining.

Instead of destructive criticism, contribute.

Instead of being embittered, contribute.

Instead of watching, contribute.

Contribution is the  right use of energy

Nobody destroys where he has contributed to build.


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