King of Glory Academy's Flexible Funding Model excites parents - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Thursday, July 15, 2021


King of Glory Academy's Flexible Funding Model excites parents


Education is the right of every child and getting quality education surely cones with a cost. In line with the adage " if you day eduxatiom is expensive, try ignorance " , parents these days spend fortunes to put their children in school. 

This is Why a funding model  initiated by the King of Glory Acdemy situated at 12 Kehinde Street,  Ijeun Titus, Abeokuta is a delight to parents.

According to the proprietor of the School,Mrs Akande  Adebisi education in King of Glory is a joint venture relationship with the parents.

She said " We are willing to partner with the parents to bring intheit professional experience , knowledge  and skills to the building of a solid foundation for our children.

" On the payment of school fees, I will encourage our dear parents to make it a priority in paying the schools fees even through  daily, weekly or monthly contributions" 


According to her, there is no amount of money spent on the education of the children that is too much 

While encouraging  the parents not to be tired in investing in the future if the children she said " Let me encourage our parents never to be tired in investing in their children education.  Education at all levels is a long term investments with resultant transformative power for the children and a reflection  in better future for the parents ⁸

In terms of academic performance, she informed that the school has achieved a marked difference in pupils performance and academic achievements in contrast to other terms assuring that the passion for success shall continue to be ignited.

" In King of glory, we are driven by the passion to train and educate our pupils to become nation builders of tomorrow  such as Doctors , Engineers, Scientists , accountants, lawyers,  sportsmen and political icons who shall undertake the reconstruction of of the Nigerian economy and contribute to the global economy" .

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