TMC calls for Solatul-Gyaib as Chief Imam of Egbaland dies at 98 - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Tuesday, May 26, 2020


TMC calls for Solatul-Gyaib as Chief Imam of Egbaland dies at 98


The Muslim Congress (TMC), Ogun State chapter, has called on Muslims around the world to observe Solatul Gyaib (praying on dead Muslim in absentia) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lock down, curfew and border closure presently in forced in Ogun State.

In a statement released by the Waali (Chairman) of the Ogun State, of TMC, Dr Ibrahim Ogunkoya, FCA, the organisation asked Muslims not to defy the lockdown, curfew and interState border closure by the Ogun State Government in order to honour the reverred Chief Imam of Egbaland.

"Shiekh Orunsola has contributed immensely to the propagation of Islam, not only in Ogun State, but Nigeria as a whole. He provided the support and quality leadership for many of the dawah activities of The Muslim Congress in the State."

"Sheikh Orunsolu is the number one Muslim personality in Ogun State as the President-General of the League of Imams and Alfas in Ogun State as well as the patrons to many Islamic organisations."

"The TMC understands that Muslims in their thousands and even millions will want to honour him when he will be buried by 4:00pm today 26th May, 2020; we however asked all well wishers to stay at home and observe Solatul Gyaib for our reverred father."

"It is acceptable in Islam to pray and observe Janazah on a dead Muslims even when the dead body is not physically present."

"As Muslims, we must obey the constituted authorities as sanctioned by Allah and Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullahi. We must honour Shiekh Liadi Orunsolu and at the same time try not to defy the lock down, curfew and border closure presently in force in Ogun State."

"As we mourn, we must not allow the situation to create another catastrophe by encouraging thousands of people to gather at the interment which will make it difficult to obey the social distancing that might put the lives of people at risk."

"It is therefore incubent on all Muslims and well wishers to stay at home and pay the last respect to Sheikh Liadi Orunsolu."

"The best way we can celebrate Sheikh Orunsolu is to continue to promote the good deeds he was known with during his life."

"Alhaji Orunsolu served as the unification force for all Muslims in Ogun State, and his legacy will definitely speak for him as he meets his Lord."

"May Allah forgive Sheikh Liadi Orunsolu and grant him Al-Janah Firdaus, Amin."

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