I Can Cure Corona Virus In Three Days -Dr White, Alternative Medicine Practitioner Claims - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I Can Cure Corona Virus In Three Days -Dr White, Alternative Medicine Practitioner Claims


....  says drug already receiving NAFDAC's attention....

By: Kazeem Balogun 

Amidst the growing search for the cure of CoronaVirus worldwide, an alternative medicine expert, Dr. OLA, Ola sumbo also known as Dr. White has assured the word of curing Corona virus within three days and also prevents  the spread through his already made vaccine.

This is coming as the Nigerian government recently calls for local remedies and efforts in the quest to combat the growing impact of devastation of the deadly disease which is currently ravaging mankind.

 He sounded extra optimistic while  giving  this assurance in a telephone interview from his base in ondo state,Western Nigeria. 

"We carried out rigorous researches since last year when, we heard about it. So around January, those of us in the alternative medicine field started brain storming after our urgent covid -19 meeting within our association where we were all mandated by our Chairman  to swing in action. By the grace of God, I went into further research within our field and  came up with a vaccine"said Dr White. 

When asked about his research and the empirical evidence associated with it. Dr. White who has been in the business of alternative medicine for more than thirty decades, responded by saying Corona virus is very close to measles, claiming they have same features.

In his words, "if you look at the way measles affects, it is the same way Corona virus affects human system, but it kills faster, while measles takes time before it kills. The power of Covid-19 is in the aesophagus, it can't survive in the stomach but measles can, because it fights within the stomach. It was discovered through our research", he said.

Dr White also pointed out that Corona virus also has similarities with chicken pox which comes with serious coughing and high temperature. He pointed out that Africa has been dealing with all these viruses for years and it is easy to approach and create a solution for Covid-19. 

He stressed further "In Yoruba land, chicken pox spreads through saliva, and it airborne. The Yorubas believe it is a kind of spirit that brings it  but it is not. It's spread especially among children as well as adults  just like Covid-19. So in the process of our researches, it was discovered we can apply herbs, roots and  leaves to cure the virus and prevent any one from being infected thereby stopping the spread and curing those infected alrady. 

Dr. White also associated Covid-19 with malaria because it comes with malaria symptoms such as high temperature, headache, feverish condition and the rest hence the suggestions of malaria medicine by the likes of President Donald Trump, but the truth is its more severe than malaria and needs a specially researched medicine like the one we have.

When asked about the usage of the vaccine and period of healing, he responded,"from our researches, we are very sure that our own vaccine is effective to cure Covid-19 within three days. I'm sure it cures and prevents, the only difference is the mode of administering to cure; patients must take it three times daily to be cured, while for prevention, it must be taken three times in a week. Because it is liquid, so it works faster and revives all the weakened parts within the aesophagus and the entire body. 
Dr. White however frowned at the importation of Madagascar vaccine because he believes Nigeria is bigger, dynamic and well grounded to find a cure to Covid-19 and also supply the whole of Africa and the rest of the World. 

"As I speak to you our drug  is with NAFDAC and we are receiving responses. They have contacted us to get prepared for inspection. But the truth is we should supply Africa with the vaccine and not Madagascar which is very small compared to Nigeria. 

In conclusion he appealed to people to abide by government directives at curbing the spread of Covid-19 and also thanked government for responding to African solutions against the virus by accepting thier drugs for clinical trial which he believed would reignite people' s  confidence in government and also that of the alternative medicine practitioners. 

"let me appeal to Nigerians to follow the well laid  down rules by the government on how to curb the spread of  the  virus by washing thier hands, keeping distance, using nose mask and other measures.  

And I want to specially thank  the government for responding and accepting our drugs for test which we are very sure can cure and protect people from not picking up Covid-19 and thereby put a stop to the spread of the pandemic permanently and eventually elimating it. Dr. White said. 

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